Drops of nothing by GingerZ

When I left home ... it wasn't to another country but to another city within my country I called home ... I flew back almost every month and I truly missed home ..I acclimatized.... so when I got the position to teach in Brunei .. I did not google I did not research ... all I knew that I had F and M here and that everything would be OK...  nothing prepared me.

It was in this nothingness I made a home I put down my roots ... I found me

Being an expat in all honesty is hard work...you are surrounded by a melting pot of different ppl cultures race ppl who look like you but have a different outlook on life or same same but different.... it broadens ur mind ... it opens your eyes to a whole new world u did not know existed...  ppl come and leave ..that's the hardest for me ..forging bonds and saying goodbyes ... I am not good at farewells... but in all fairness it makes you realize that nothing stays constant .... things change...ppl move on...and u deal full stop comma comma dish dish ....

Brunei is a beautiful country...the heat is what I enjoy the most ... but it takes getting used to... there are days I feel I'm gonna melt into the ground and no amount of h20 will hydrate me and then there are days like today ...the overnight rain cools everything down ... which doesn't last too long but small mercies 

Endurance ... is a skill and once u master it ... it becomes part and parcel of ur being.  I have learnt so much yet know so little ...

In this journey of self sacrifice I have become whole and for now I bask in its glory...Brunei...


Zee said…
Beautifully written
Bibi said…
Beautifully written. So appropriate.
bbass7387 said…
Wow! This touched my heart to the core! Thanks for sharing. It’s good to know that I’m not alone.
Fiz said…
Beautifully written, GingerZ 🤗💜🪷 I’m happy to be able to read your honest thoughts in this blog. I’ve learned this fact from other expats too, that the only constant is change & I’ve had to learn that the hard way too… I think we all go through this in various ways, such is life. C’est la vie. I’m always sad when the people I am close to leave; I can’t let go easily. 💜🪷
Mohamed Dhoda said…
Brilliant and heartfelt....love it
Sham said…
Spoken from the heart!
Umm muadh said…
Beautifully written!! Can’t wait for the next post ❤️
Yasmeen said…
You nailed it!
Adi said…
When I read this, my thoughts went to my children and the impact this experience has had on them. It has taught them so much: the world is small, we are all different, yet the same. It has taught them resilience, acceptance, appreciation. Thank you for sharing, Ginger. Well written!
Syff35 said…
Your journey sounds both challenging and rewarding. Moving to a new city within your country, and then to Brunei, must have been significant transitions, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities for growth. It's impressive how you've managed to acclimate and find a sense of home and self in such different environments.

Prop investor said…
Thank for giving it just a touch of perspective……If you’ve never been brave enough to leave home, you’ll never know at all, thank you for giving a peak into your window ❤️
Zaaks said…
Love this ❤️ makes us all appreciate life a little more 🌸 thank you
Saphia said…
Beautiful. Love it. Can't wait for the next one. GINGERZ
CK said…
And in this melting pot of different people and cultures, was where we
found this friendship, a bit strange, a bit wonderful and still a mystery
how this will end.
Nafeesa said…
Love this .. heartfelt , real and touching . Can't wait for the next read
Fathima said…
Anonymous said…
Stirrings of jealousy well up inside of me when I read that and I could hear your voice. My brave Zohra. You are an inspiration.
Laverne said…
Love it GINGERZ.
Authentic and resilient

Anonymous said…
Brilliant... powerful and vulnerable. The power of words. Opens and touches you to the core...
Anonymous said…
From sum1 who knws u from way back u truely r an inspiration n a hard act to follow...well done my dear friend u deserve it all. May Allah swt kp u safe n blessed aameen ����
Anonymous said…
Beautiful..... Real....Straight from your heart and touches mine.... A brave woman.... One of the bravest I know .... Miss U and love U .... ❤️😘

Shabs said…
Sometimes life does not give you a choice , Learn to swim or drown ! You dove into the ocean and swam ! Keep going even when there are times when you feel you are drowning . The only person you can rely on is YOU. ��
Faatimah said…
Anonymous said…
'but in all fairness it makes you realize that nothing stays constant ..."❤️Thank for sharing❤️
Haju said…
Zohra..you are one brave and tenacious woman
whose journey has been challenging yet fulfilling.You should be proud of yourself.
Pampoen said…
My Lampoen...so true to the bone! Your wonderful character, amazing personality, strength, resilience and all that goes with it can only make you brave and even braver. Beautiful things are destined for you my Lampoen. Anything that comes your way you will be able to take.it on tooth and nail and the end result will be rewardingly successful. Ameen...May The Almighty always guide and protect you and keép you safe Ameen. Love❤️ Peace☮️ & Happiness 😃 always...Love you muchness...💓
Fatima said…
Beautiful. Masha Allah, Shows true courage & resilience
Mash said…
Well written. Such inspiration❤️
Anonymous said…
You went straight to the essence of expat life in Brunei. My thoughts exactly... the nothingness and the healing and finding yourself. You are an amazing writer. Maybe something to explore in future?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
A Journey of a brave, warrior indeed!!

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