short cuts by nariman



2012, 46.


Life's too short...

This thought popped into my head this morning when I had a run-in with a tube of toothpaste. You know that mangled tube with the last bit you've convinced yourself will cover the whole family just one more time because you didn't get round to the shops!

For a second, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and my eyes were frenzied! Damn tube! I laughed, that desperate laugh of the rushed: I had been on auto-pilot since the moment my feet hit the floor: prepare lunches - make coffee - strip beds - do washing - wake son - wake son again - kiss kiss - wave bye – to the kitchen - set dishwasher - iron work clothes - head to bathroom - brush teeth ...DOH!

Mental note (1) Add toothpaste to shopping list (b) Remember the shopping list (3) Tackle scary TO DO List


And there it was: "Life's too short..."

New Plan, New List (chuck the scary one & start over)

My Top 10 Fantasy TO DO List

1. Do forget about losing that extra 5kg's of weight.

2. Do laugh more with my gals.

3. Do seek out the company of my moody teenage son.

4. Do book that family trip to Bali...& so on & so on...


2024, 58.


Life is beautiful...

This thought pops into my head as I'm sat there on my hands and knees in the pitch-black bathroom listening to the faint snoring coming from the bedroom next door. It is comforting hearing him in the extreme silence of dusk. This Saturday is particularly sweet even though it is a workday.  I had slept like a baby which is odd for a menopausal woman, but lately I made a conscious shift in my way of being: I choose sleep! I’ve done so quite intentionally by deciding to not to carry my burdens with me to bed, bed is for sleeping and stretching and cosy time.

Every morning I beat my alarm, and it is not worries disturbing my sleep, or responsibilities weighing heavily on me, but a rearing to go, an excitement to tackle the day head-on.

Apparently two thirds of my life is gone, and my life story is set to wind down. Yet, the climax of this story mountain has not yet been reached. I’m of the opinion that it is so much more of a rollercoaster than a mountain, with multiple peaks and troughs to keep the rider entertained, filled with adrenaline and throwing us for loops and keeping us topsy turvy in order to shake things loose and inspire change.

For a second, I catch myself and I laugh at the ridiculousness of me, the struggle to get up after being on my knees is going to be dodgy. And why in the dark? Unperturbed I consider what would happen if I did not bathe? Unheard of!

 I grab hold of the sink and lift my heavy backside off the floor, emerging with the new bar of soap he had remembered to purchase.

I laugh the laugh of the unrushed. I am very deliberate about my dusk dalliances: my feet hit the floor - prepare my playlist – headphones on – drink green juice, hot lemon and ginger water - make coffee – back to bed – set my intentions - prod him awake - prod him again – back to the bathroom – quick shower – long prayers - kiss kiss – bye bye...


Mental note (1) Add morning yoga to the routine (2) Remember the 33 (IYKYK) and (3) Breathe.


And there it is: "Life is beautiful..."

There is no need for scary To Do Lists.

And life is short.

Now is all we have, so be present.

I sit in gratitude...often...for this rollercoaster ride, and the people on this journey with me. Every journey begins with one step and thankfully, there are no shortcuts to happiness & well-being, it's a long journey best taken with wonderful people by your side.


AM said…
Luxury: to b contemplate a lived . Some of my closest haven't made it this far. Does it mean we haven't slow down, 👇🏻 don't think so. Maybe not conform to the social conditioning that the have to retire...
Become a bit more active and reduce the sugar addiction and the smoking 😕😕😆 maybe rules around this help's exercise more regularly and play
Keep engaging the offspring for love guidance and advice and rates for encouragement
Make time first r people that want to be in your life
Build from my life experience - set new goals scarry one's plan execute
Choose happiness every single day, smile & laugh more, help where you can l, and just be lekke(kindness) ( to much hate going around)
Travel anywhere don't stay in one place read for knowledge pleasure learn ne things. Become the person you needed when you were younger and value yourself. Create your purpose
imagiNari said…
Love all these, especially the travel advice x

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