Using of the brain cells by GingeredZ

Chapter 1

In order for me to remain sane in my chaotic head, I needed to channel that energy into something that I feel, that would give me satisfaction – clearly my personal life is at a standstill and that’s by choice – before I digress into another spectrum of color ….

I think with age comes wanting to be secure – but that’s not me – Me at my ripe age of five one – I needed and have the need to achieve something tangible …. And don’t get me wrong I am grateful for where I am and what I do every day – I am where I belong – and in this I have never been surer of..

My fixation with pain ended abruptly (due to no more space on my ears) – so it needed to be replaced and with both my boys on their own path – empty nest whatever is a struggle – and although I don’t ever want to admit this – I needed to reroute.

I am not conventional I am not your run of the mill typical – I follow my own path make my own road and follow the way less travelled and this has kept me alive but still it wasn’t enough - still I feel short --- deep inside and I need to conquer something.

I travel and push myself out of my comfort zone – I fill my days with colors and hues and those who mean something to me 

I have also accepted the silences of many and don’t stress anymore – I let it be – I wish for more frequency that would make me feel connected and its ok – I have adjusted …. I have accepted.

Using of my brain cells came at a time where I needed to do something for me – a bit selfish yes – but this was about me – it was about my journey into the delving to satisfy a craving much like my piercings but this - I could grow with professionally.  It would serve on many levels – increasing levels at the same time.  

Was I nervous …. Hell yes ! 

Failure comes in all shapes and words ….

Using of words in Context – GingerZ

Chapter 2

Starting the journey was hard, daunting but I had 2 buddies (Y&S) - who saw and believed – and once I started I couldn’t stop – I loved the feeling of knowing what I wanted to say and use my practices and transform it into an A --- I hated citings and references and the serious aspect of it but loved the fact I wasn’t penalized for it – the feedback edged me on 

I was too scared to tell anyone what I was doing – I am looked at the crazy one the one who isn’t good enuf and I see peoples faces and how they react, but this wasn’t about them and this time I shut my big mouth and plodded on.  I wanted to prove me right.

Has it helped me – in more ways than I can count …

And my sanity …. Restored …. Think not

There is always another twist or turn or a mountain to climb and sometimes its my head but it doesn’t make it any less important.  

I am enjoying this phase of self-discovery where my contributions are valued and my goals achievable – my parents would have been I think proud of the woman I have evolved into – I thank them for the chances they gave me – I try to do that with my boys – push and give opportunities to fail and succeed – I don’t think they see it now as I didn’t with my parents – but if I could use my words – Jazakallah for the belief ...


Mishkaah said…
Deeply, deeply insightful and a way for me to think about my journey ahead! Love this so much!
Anonymous said…
Occasionally, it's essential to prioritize your own well-being without feeling guilty. Your strength so far is commendable, and taking care of yourself is a vital part of that.
Waheeda said…
As long as its giving u a renewed feeling of oomph n makes u happy I'm all ears waiting to hear jst wot it is...most importantly it mst nt taint ur religious background... having said that...the sky is the limit..🤗
Yasmeen said…
It is a journey of self discovery. It makes you happy.....occupied. You go girl!!!
Anonymous said…
Nothing amazes me more...."To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." you!
I'm proud to call you my friend....lotsa love and duaas......always.
Anonymous said…
Your writing is so inspiring and raw, capturing the essence of self-discovery beautifully. I love how you embrace your unconventional path and turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Your journey resonates with me, and I appreciate how you remind us to focus on our happiness and individuality.So proud of you my beautiful friend! May you be surrounded in light and love always!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Once again you shoot straight from the heart! Pure and no filter , that’s you . I wish more people were like this. So glad u are finding the road to happiness and to finding yourself . Hugs and kisses on your journey ahead my beautiful friend ♥️
Fiz said…
“My fixation with pain ended abruptly (due to no more space on my ears)” - I 😂 at this one, hilarious.🤣. I like that you are following an unconventional path in life and it’s admirable you do not feel like you need to kowtow to some societal expectations of what middle-aged women should be like and that you don’t follow the herd mentality. Keep being yourself, do what makes you happy. Stay the fabulous, kind-hearted, generous giver you. Hugs & Love.
DrC said…
Self discovery brings about necessary change. It's easier to take care of others ( which can be rewarding) than oneself. My solution was to make happy moments every day. I'm glad that you're taking a positive stance to achieve a state of afiyah
Anonymous said…
Lovely easy reading for my hectic Friday afternoon. You go girl 👏🏻 Life is never a rigid straight line, its complexity throws colours in our otherwise bland life. To challenge oneself is to live life to the fullest. No regrets just satisfaction that we have done and experienced it. Whether the experience or result conform with our expectations or might be otherwise, at least one fine day when you look back you could say its done and dusted 🌹😘🩷💜❤️
imagiNari said…
Love the engagement on this post! If anyone wishes to share their own stories, please get in touch.
Outsider said…
Sometimes u just gotta do wat u gotta do
Your choices that you made thru necessity
and need are the best choices.
Words well spoken from the heart.
To the point. Always yoursef first.....
irn.ism said…
This is inspiring; the beginning of something even greater. Jazakallah for sharing your journey of self-discovery with us.
Outsider said…
Dance b4 the music is over
Anonymous said…
You go gal friend ❤️ you not going to recognize yourself when you come out the other side ❤️ I will be rooting for you Ms. Effervescence ❤️
Anonymous said…
Another amazing read. Thank you for inspiring me. You are a brilliant writer. I am excited to read your next write up! Thank you for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I hope your journey fulfills you in all the ways you wish though move at your own pace because all we really have in abundance and certainty is time. I feel your feelings as if they were my own, and your words speak like they were spoken from my tongue. I deeply enjoyed this read and thank you for bringing it to life ♥
Sham said…
To not pour into cups that don’t pour into yours is a huge milestone!keep shining, exploring and reaching for the stars.
Anonymous said…
i wish i was a brave soul like you..

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